EasyOpen SnapFrame Lightbox Extrusion Bottom
Suitable for use with either the 1 1/4" EasyOpen Curvilinear or Rectilinear Tops, these aluminum extrusions help form the bottom of a Snap Frame light box. This SnapFrame bottom includes a 0.35” Thick opening for installing a Light Guide Panel (not included) and LEDs (not included), and when paired with the tops and springs, provide front load snap convenience.
Available cut to the size you want, without mitering or assembly. The assembly springs are available here. Note Each 4 sided frame will require Qty 8 C-101 corners, available here.
These 6063 light box base extrusions finish beautifully and can be a basis for many exciting projects, including where you build your own Snap Frame lightbox.
For complete assembled SnapFrame light boxes, click here. Designed and made in the U.S.A. – It matters !!
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EasyOpen SnapFrame Lightbox Extrusion Bottom