Perfex Curvilinear Full Drop In Frame Extrusion
Perfex extruded aluminum frames are 1” wide by 5/8” deep. Offered in two popular extrusion shapes – this Perfex Curvilinear has a more rounded shape, while Perfex Rectilinear has a more rectangular shape. When assembled there is a 3/16” wide x 3/8” deep channel for a 3/16" thick graphic or other media to fit into.
To make a 4 sided slide in frame requires Qty (8) C-102 corner brackets. In terms of the extrusion, to make a drop-in frame, use three sides of the Perfex Curvilinear Frame Full Aluminum Extrusion and two sections of the Perfex Curvilinear Half Drop In Frame which becomes the open side. If you want to make a closed in frame where the graphic will not be changed, you can use just this regular Perfex Full extrusion. Need to add a split in the frame? Use the UC-180 joiner. These extrusions are sold without instructions, for fabricators who know what they’re doing. No fabrication guides are included.
Want to make your own ceiling hung slide in frames for lightweight media? You can use the UCC clips to slide into the groove in the back of the frame extrusion.
Want to buy a complete fabricated Perfex frame? Head over to Testrite Visual.
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Perfex Curvilinear Full Drop In Frame Extrusion